Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grounds for Separation

In the current swirl of turmoil that has so many people whipped into a lather, or just plain whipped, why focus on worry over the latest dire predictions? Why not separate from the hysteria of the mainstream?

Focus instead on what has not changed: the constancy of God; the wonder of creation; the opportunities for service; the abundance of new chances at survival that come with living one more moment.

The French roots of the word survive (sur + vivre) mean to "live over." Isn't that what we all want, to transcend mundane fear and step over the paralyzing quicksand of despair? I think so.


  1. This is so true, my friend. Thank you for sharing your insights!

  2. This is just wonderfully said, Steve! Just the inspiration I needed for yet another rainy day. Laurie and I had lunch today at a nice place down the street. Will you join us sometime?

    Sherry Roskam
