Friday, January 9, 2009

Where to begin...

I've had it in mind for months to write a blog, but I could never decide how to start.

To others who have good intentions but question how to proceed, my unsolicited advice is always to start in the middle and work one's way out. My purpose in that is to relieve the pressure of ordering and outlining and let expression find its own place.

I have trouble adopting that advice for myself. If I don't know exactly what to do and don't have the entire overview of what will result, I don't begin. Maybe "begin" isn't even the right word. I always begin, and the progress exists in ever-expanding volume in my mind, behind the floodgate. What I don't do is document, share, release something into play, and let the work show me where it wants to go.

So today I asked myself to get out of the way ... and here we are.

Happy New Year and happy reading!


  1. you rock! I'm so glad you're dong this too!
    I just started a daily photo blog on January 1st, but I haven't posted in a few days, whoops.
    Perhaps you can keep me honest.
    xo Stacey

  2. Hey Shuggs,

    HECK! I wanted to be the first, but Stacey beat me to it by 3 minutes!

    This is so wonderful -- it could lead to some incredible opportunites for you. All who visit will see what an awesome writer you are and how beautifully you phrase your words.

    I was going to call you Thrusday to thank you for remaining calm on Wednesday night while I showed my butt! It still boggles my mind how her family remains so aloof to the whole situation. They are who my anger is intended for.

    Enjoy this lovely day!


  3. Way to go, Steve. I'd actually love having another blog to follow. I'll add your page to my favorites and stay updated as you work your way out from the middle!

